SOBO Mahoning Valley Exit Survey 230223 SOBO Exit Survey First Name * Last Name * What type of State of Ohio Collective partner are you? Organization Individual (I represent myself, not an organizaztion) OtherOther Company/Organization Name Title City * AkronCantonCincinnatiClevelandColumbusDaytonToledoYoungstownOther City Email * Mobile Phone Website/URL Office Phone Please select the category that describes your work: Education Economic Development Youth Services Social Services Public Health Mental Health Law or Policy Elected Official / Government Advocacy Group Racial Equity Group Are you part of a national or statewide organization? Yes No The State of Ohio Collective is a statewide 501(c)(3) think tank organization. In order to continue our work on our 50 Year Plan, we hope you and members of your team will join our work. Here is how: Regional Meeting for Youngstown – 1 Tuesday per month at 5 p.m. (30 minute meeting) I want to be really involved and join the Core Team. – Saturdays at 7 p.m. (15 minute meeting) I don’t plan to participate I am interested in supporting the following pillars or teams: Education Economic Development Health Housing Communications Tech The Arts Strategy Development / Fundraising Advocacy & Policy I am interested in joining a research team. Yes No Please follow up with me. My organization would like to host in person meetings. Yes No What did we do well? Are you more informed about the work that is happening statewide and legislators than you were last year? Yes No Uncertain Are you more informed about the needs of Black Ohioans? Yes No Please select the option that applies to your organization: We’d like to partner with The State of Ohio Collective. We need to recalibrate – funding was challenged in 2022. We want to collaborate on a new project for Ohioans. Please share with us anything else you would like us to know about the event, your organization and how we can help provide resource analysis and engagement. How did you hear about this event? * TelevisionRadioNewspaperEmailFriends or FamilyFacebookInstagramTwitterOther How did you hear about this event? If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit